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The objective of this project was to generate a brand strategy and identity that communicated the personality and vision that José Ramón Ruíz had, creating a platform, narrative and community that can connect organically.


When we began discussing the project with José Ramón, it was clear that it was about building a community that connects and expands through unique experiences: combining art, nature, discussion, and transcendence.   

With this platform, we developed the collective's name, which speaks of a whole, something made up of different parts, seeking to contribute something to the lives of its members through exploration. We took that adventurous spirit and applied it to the logo with a lowercase font, making it more user-friendly, and an icon that transforms the "S" into a labyrinth composed of several lines, referring to the different paths and members of the platform. 

The visual system was comprised of clean, adaptable typefaces, warm, deep colors, with an emphasis on textures, close-ups, and images that evoke the creative, spiritual, rich, and diverse universe of the identity.  

Brandia always welcomes these types of projects with open arms, as we love collaborating with people who allow themselves to forge their own paths and mindsets based on connection, creation, and sharing.  

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